alt = alternate
approx = approximately
BP = back post
BLO = back loop only
BPdc = back post double crochet
beg = begin, beginning
CC = contrasting color
ch = chain
cl = cluster
cont = continue
dbl = double
dtr or dbl tr = double triple
dc = double crochet
dec = decrease
dir = directions
dk = dark
dnt = do not turn
ea = each
ex sc = extended single crochet
fig = figure 1 (picture of stitch)
FLO = front loop only
FP = front post
FPdc = front post double crochet
fig = figure 1 (picture of stitch)
fo = finish off
foll = following
gm or gr = grams
gr = group
hdc = half double crochet
hk = hook
htr = half triple crochet
in = inch
inc = increase
incl = including
inst = instructions
lp(s) = loop(s)
lt = light
MC = main color
med = medium
mm = millimeter
no. = number
oz(s) = ounce
pat st = pattern stitch
pc st = popcorn stitch
prev = previous
rem = remaining
rep = repeat
rnd = round
rs = right side
sc = single crochet
sk = skip
sl st = slip stitch
sp = space
st(s) = stitch(es)
tch = turning chain
tog = together
tr = triple (treble)
x times = (such as repeat 5x)
ws = wrong side
yo = yarn over
alt = alternate
approx = approximately
BP = back post
BLO = back loop only
BPdc = back post double crochet
beg = begin, beginning
CC = contrasting color
ch = chain
cl = cluster
cont = continue
dbl = double
dtr or dbl tr = double triple
dc = double crochet
dec = decrease
dir = directions
dk = dark
dnt = do not turn
ea = each
ex sc = extended single crochet
fig = figure 1 (picture of stitch)
FLO = front loop only
FP = front post
FPdc = front post double crochet
fig = figure 1 (picture of stitch)
fo = finish off
foll = following
gm or gr = grams
gr = group
hdc = half double crochet
hk = hook
htr = half triple crochet
in = inch
inc = increase
incl = including
inst = instructions
lp(s) = loop(s)
lt = light
MC = main color
med = medium
mm = millimeter
no. = number
oz(s) = ounce
pat st = pattern stitch
pc st = popcorn stitch
prev = previous
rem = remaining
rep = repeat
rnd = round
rs = right side
sc = single crochet
sk = skip
sl st = slip stitch
sp = space
st(s) = stitch(es)
tch = turning chain
tog = together
tr = triple (treble)
x times = (such as repeat 5x)
ws = wrong side
yo = yarn over
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